Back cover of the first edition of the Bunny Chronicles, how Bunny was born.
For Nicole Crabtree, this is a dream come true. As an auntie and aspiring author on a mission to express her love of reading and share her own stories with family who live far away, Nicole decided to create a book series that can be shared with the world.
Dear Reader,
Annabeth was born in January 2018, my niece, and my brother’s second child. Annabeth’s big sister, Brianna, is already a young woman, and I entirely missed her childhood. Now, I have a chance to be a part of Annabeth’s childhood in a meaningful way, with books. This is especially meaningful as Annabeth’s mommy Jen is a librarian!
My goal was to publish the first Bunny Chronicles (origin story) by Annabeth’s first birthday in January 2019. Mission accomplished! And now you too can have a copy of the first book of the Bunny Chronicles series.
For years I have dreamed of publishing my work, but I was afraid. What would happen if I couldn’t do it? What if nobody liked it? What if nobody read it?
Recently I mustered up my courage and fulfilled part of my dream by starting this blog where I write about my favorite things travel, culture, food, and the magic of life.
In 2005, together with the original Bunny, I began to write a chronicle of my life and travels. An idea to share my life with friends and family whom I have been far from for decades. Courage failed me, and I abandoned the project.
Now, the Bunny Chronicles has morphed into a whole new concept, the travel section of my site and a series of children’s books. In the books, I tell stories about my adventures with Bunny as the main protagonist.
The first book introduces Bunny to the world, what inspired her, how she developed as a character, and literally how she was born as the avatar of my life. The second book is about Bunny’s adventures in Portugal with Bearli, her companion in a culturally mixed marriage like my own.
Other books will follow in this series, with Bunny and various members of this furry family as they accompany Claudio, my husband and favorite traveling partner, and I through life, at home and in travel.
Meanwhile, Bunny and I are happy to sign and send you a copy of the origin story, the first in the Bunny Chronicles. Click here to get your copy today.
If you already have your copy, please share here below your impressions and comments