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Take a moment to receive love and inspiration 💝 – to contribute in your way to healing, personally and globally.
Welcome to FoodMood’s podcast meditation series.
An invitation to devote 5 - 15 minutes of your day to your well being. A pause for any time of day to refill, rejuvenate, and relax.
Just after we came back from India and Sri Lanka in 2020, Lugano went into lockdown and I found myself wondering, what can I do to contribute to global healing? My answer was two hours a day of yoga and meditation. By the time autumn arrived I was compelled to widen my circle and share my meditations. My idea was, what will happen if I invite people whose vibration lifts me up, to come together and meditate, as a group. What might we create if we share just one hour a week together collectively focusing on what we want the world to look like vs what we are afraid the world might be becoming?
The last week of November we began Monday meditations and we have been sending out our collective loving vibrations ever since. An additional benefit, we have created our own little community of support. We start each week with a sharing, we connect, and the rest of the hour is magic.
Early on the group asked if I would record the meditation part so that they could use it in between. From there, I got here. Widening the circle one step further, offering short guided meditations on demand.
Each week there will be a new meditation, designed to at once stand alone and build on the one before. Additionally, sprinkled throughout there will be stories on various themes relating to meditation including music and philosophy.
Go directly to the podcast from here and visit the podcast tab on FoodMood each week for new meditations and stories.
Thank you for joining me for a moment to receive love and inspiration – to contribute in your way to healing, personally and globally.