Once upon a time, poetry was incomprehensible to me.
Then a few years ago I met Jill. She knocked me over with her wise and graceful crafting of words. When I read her poems they sang in my ears, healing as they went.
Her book I am not myself today, inspired me and filled me with hope.
What courage it takes to share such intimacy.
When I heard Jill read them aloud at a special evening for friends, the poems took on again another life.
Last year for my birthday, I was gifted a book of poems written by another friend, Ivana Comoli, Dialoghi d’amore, click here to order directly via email if you wish.
Reading them on my own I was reminded of the power of a poem. How a few words strung together on a page can reach in and touch the heart so deeply. How the courage of another to share their most vulnerable selves can endlessly inspire. I even bought a copy and sent it to Jill.
To celebrate the western new year, I attended a special evening of poetry and music. Hearing Ivana read her poems accompanied by our beloved teacher on the piano was magic. There, in person, the room vibrated with love, and I was reminded of the power of words in a shared space. How the collective vibration rises and unites to heal, forgive, and inspire. Living grace.
To celebrate the Chinese New Year, on February 1st, I invite you to explore your inner tiger. Take a moment on this auspicious day to activate your inner tiger – courageous, powerful, and confident – in this special masterclass. Be the poet of your own soul.